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Summer Activities that facilitate Speech and Language Development in Young Children with Speech Delays

Are you looking for fun ways to incorporate speech and language into your daily summer activities?


The playground is a fun and exciting place to learn new vocabulary and basic concepts, practice speech sounds, and work on social skills in a natural environment. You can also target functional "Wh" questions.

  • Target vocabulary by naming things, people, actions and by using descriptive words to comment on objects at the playground (i.e., "tree," "swing," "small," "empty," "tall," "girl/boy," "sliding," . You can target other functional words such as "go", "stop," "up," "down," "slow," "fast," "more," "I want + _______"). Encourage your child to repeat single words or word-combinations depending on how many words they are able to join into a phrase/ sentence.

  • Target appropriate development of social skills by encouraging your child to take turns with other children, sharing objects/toys, and greeting others.

  • Target "wh" questions by asking lots of questions about the immediate environment. For example, "What is the girl doing?" "Who is on the swing," "Where is the tree?" Provide and model the answers if your child has difficulty answering questions. Ask again and provide lots of repetition and opportunities for your child to respond.

  • If your child is working on pronouncing speech sounds, make a fun game where you find as many objects or things that start with your target sounds. Have your child repeat the words with their target sounds a few times.


The beach is another fun place that provides a lot of opportunities to expand on your child's speech and language skills.

  • Target vocabulary by pointing to and naming things that you see (i.e., "sand, "ocean," "umbrella," "towel," "bird," "crab," "seashell," etc.)

  • Name actions and describe or comment on your immediate environment using short phrases. For example, "dig," "build sandcastle," "splash," "red crab," "small seashell," "boat go," etc.)

  • Ask lots of questions and model answers. Provide repetitions and opportunities for your child to respond.

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